Articles and blogs are similar in that they’re both forms of content. But there are some key differences.
Both articles and blogs are written to inform readers about a specific topic, but articles tend to have an objective tone and focus on facts, while blogs can be more opinionated and subjective.
The main difference between a blog and an article is that an article is a standalone piece of writing, while a blog is a collection of articles.
The word “blog” has become synonymous with “website.” But it originally referred to the short posts (originally called “web logs”) written by individuals, often on topics that did not fit into traditional news coverage. And bloggers publish it on their websites or Freelance websites.
Bloggers are often amateur writers who write about personal interests or experiences. Blogs may also be professional sites run by companies or organizations whose primary purpose is not to produce content but to promote their products or services.
Articles are published in newspapers, magazines and other periodicals. They are usually longer than blog posts, which tend to be shorter because they’re easier to read on the small screens of smartphones and tablets than larger computer screens (although many blogs are now being designed for mobile devices).
Articles may be opinion pieces that express an author’s perspective on a particular subject, or they may be overviews of current events or trends in public policy. A news article reports on facts learned from interviews with sources who have first-hand knowledge about an event or situation; other types of articles often include quotes from experts as well as facts reported by journalists who have researched.