9 Effective Tips To Grow 6 Inches Taller

Date: Sat Jun 25, 2022 07:01PM
© Faeeza Khan

If you are wondering how to grow 6 inches taller, certain tips may help. Yes, you read that right. Although genes predominantly determine one’s height, certain food habits and environmental factors can also influence it to an extent (and up to a certain age).

Here, we have discussed the 9 effective tricks that may help increase your height. Continue reading to know more.

How to Grow 6 Inches Taller?

1. Eat A Healthy Breakfast

A healthy breakfast plays an essential role in maintaining proper growth and development of your body. Skipping breakfast can be a bad sign for your overall growth, especially your height. You should eat a proper breakfast to boost your metabolism. It influences your body growth substantially.

2. Avoid Growth-stunting Factors

Taking drugs and alcohol can cause a stunted growth. Avoid these addictions right from the young age. Proper nutrition is essential for a child’s growth as malnutrition also translates into a short height. Excess of caffeine and smoking disrupt the growth of kids. So, it’s highly advisable to make children stay away from these bad habits to ensure proper growth and development of the body.

3. Get Plenty Of Sleep

Adequate sleep and rest help in overall growth and development of the body. Growing kids and adolescents require 9-11 hours of sleep every night. Night time is considered to be the growing time for kids. You should create a very calm and noise-free environment to get a deep sleep. Good sleep in return helps you to grow in height effectively. During sleep, your body produces growth hormone in the pituitary gland. It further helps in the proper growth and development of your body.

4. Eat Right Foods

Proper growth and development of the body requires a perfect balance of all the essential nutrients. To fulfill this, you can opt for the diet supplements as per your age group along with your proper diet. Balanced nutrition is very important for maintaining a healthy body.

5. Increase Your Immunity.

Immune system plays a vital role in body’s growth and development. To ensure a good height, it is important to keep your immune system fit and functioning. Regular illness or disease can cause stunted growth. Immunity can be enhanced with vitamin C which is abundantly found in oranges, grapefruits and lemons.
Your height is determined by many factors. It is true that you can only grow up until a certain age, but there are a few ways you can take advantage of this period. Make the most of the aforementioned tips to grow 6 inches taller. A healthy balanced diet and a regular exercise regime are essential for a fit and stable lifestyle. In addition, you need to take the right nutrients, avoid harmful substances such as alcohol, and get enough sleep every night to enjoy healthier growth.

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