Life without technology

Date: Thu Apr 15, 2021 04:51PM
© Dhananjay Yadav

Life without technology ?

No, we cannot live without technology. Technology is a modern necessity for good health. No music, no internet, no video games, no TV, no fun, no public health, no life without technology. In this fast-paced world technology it is necessary even for simple things, be it an alarm clock or a coffee maker. It grows faster with light making it harder for people to keep up with.
With laptops, personal computers, cell phones, portable devices people have more resources than they need but they can't use them properly. Each of us uses technology in some way or another to make life easier which is why it comes from afar, with great advances in every field, be it the internet or mobile phones.
We all use technology in one way or another. The real question is whether we are using the latest developments and technological advances to the best of our ability? The whole world depends on technology as you buy big things like cars, medicines, microwaves, etc. And each day there is a new development. Phones and laptops or iPads used for normal activities. If this is removed, then people feel that their life has been taken away. One could say that technology has its negative consequences and has made it lazy, impatient and dependent. It is the only reason why the whole world operates normally.
If we see the positive side because of technology, we can do complex surgery, we have apps on our mobile phone that allow us to track our health, finances, etc. Technology has enabled a disabled person to walk or run a long distance race; it is a reason that has helped a person with a disability to connect with the rest of the world. It is because of technology that we can communicate with our friends and relatives in faraway places.
Businesses that use the Internet and mobile apps to reach a wider audience to grow their range of services and without technology, it is impossible. Technology is bad and bad, at the moment it is impossible to live without technology, but yes, we can find ways to use it wisely and not rely on them completely. Finally, we have come to the conclusion that we do not rely solely on technology, but rely on them for many things in our daily lives.

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